Sunday, September 9, 2007

Trip back to Malaysia ( September 2007)

I just came back from Malaysia. It has been another ordinary trip to me. Within my expectation, before my dad drop me at bus station this afternoon. Again he asked me to tithe less to the church. He said that reality is reality, if you earn less, how can you tithe 10 percent of your gross income. Like our neighbour, who is christians, they only tithe 100 plus ringgit to the church despite they earn 4000 ringgit per month? Son, you need to consider your family, your future, and you need to buy a house in Singapore eventually, so please be realistic. Consider my suggestion seriously....

Everytime I go home I will hear something like that from my father. This month, quite amazingly, I did not talk back to my dad. In my heart I know that he loves me, that's why he needs to persuade me to give less to church. Moreover, he thinks I spent too much time in ministry and neglect to meet up with my friends outside the church and visit some relatives in Singapore. I thank God that he reminds me of those issue. I think I really need to plan my time and resources more carefully. Thank God for Huanjie, he gave me a book talk about how to manage your resources effectively. Thanks brother.

Dear Jesus, I know that you have heard what my father said before I come back to Singapore. Lord, thank you for giving me such a good parent who care about me and love me so much. Lord, I know that you are not confined in 4 walls within Nexus Auditorium. Lord, you are in reality and you are with me always until the end of time. Lord, thank you for giving me a peaceful heart to accept what my father said to me and what he reminds me. Lord, help me to be a good earthly son to my earthly parent and Lord, help them to see my decision and my conviction to give to you faithfully. Lord, I know that you will provide whatever you think is enough for me. Lord, I believe that my faith in you is being tested at this moment of time. Lord, help me to remember your promise in Malachi 3:10. Lord, I believe that you will use me to be a great testimony in front of my family. Thank you Lord, I pray all this in your mighty name. Amen.

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